There is only one way to describe the severe lapse of cathartic writing and that is via the mode of a diagram: (Please see Fig.1 below):
Diagrams! Mr HMI. Sted loves them - especially Pivot Tables (I once again reiterate me+maths/diagrams=BIG Mess).
There is only one way to get through the information from June and that is by splitting the following entries into weeks rather than days because a) I have forgotten most of it (although I have a vague recollection that I remembered getting incensed with seeing Katie Hopkins sofa twice in one week) and b) If I was to write what has happened in this most eventful month, my Blog page would probably resemble the length of the Magna Carta and we know what a riveting read that is.
Here goes...
There is only one way to get through the information from June and that is by splitting the following entries into weeks rather than days because a) I have forgotten most of it (although I have a vague recollection that I remembered getting incensed with seeing Katie Hopkins sofa twice in one week) and b) If I was to write what has happened in this most eventful month, my Blog page would probably resemble the length of the Magna Carta and we know what a riveting read that is.
Here goes...